I had the chance to do a family session on Saturday night for my cousin Jessica, her husband Denver, and their beautiful baby girl Ruby. What a sweetie she is. She has this most amazing laugh, you know the one where they laugh from their belly. Her whole face just lights up when Mommy and Daddy come into view. Besides meeting this little gem I also had a great time catching up with Jessica and Denver. It had been far to long. I have to admit they fed me this fabulous dinner on top of everything else and man-o-man can Denver cook. He made these brussels sprouts that were to die for- yes brussels sprouts with a coconut oil on them mmmm.
Jessica and Denver have been pretty busy themselves lately. Besides raising this beautiful little girl and being completely in love with one an other both have started new business lately. Denver doing financial planning and Jessica is helping people live a healthier life. If you want to know more check out
Nature's Sunshine. After doing a health analysis with Jessica I got some supplements for myself, I've only been using them for a couple days now and I am already feeling a difference.
Enjoy the photo's

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