I have spent the week getting use to having another dog in the house. We bought him home on Sunday and we loved him the minute we seen him. Brom is a Cockapoo (Cocker Spaniel Poodle cross). He's very playful and cuddly as well. Marco is adjusting and at times doesn't quiet know what to make of this little fluff ball jumping all over him. As well as the new dog I have done some work on my photography.
I've been working on finishing up my business plan, much to Andy delight, and also took in some webinars regarding wedding albums. I was thankful to also be able to sit in on a video chat of one of my photography idols. Bet you didn't know we had our own that we worshiped did you? Well we do and we are also very protective when they get disced. Tomorrow I'm headed to a photography seminar and hopefully will be able to take in a little bit of Winterlude here in Ottawa over the weekend as well.
Cheers & have a great weekend,